Main Centers
International Centers
How beautifully you can relate to someone simply depends on your willingness, flexibility, and joyfulness.
The less rigid your personality, the more powerful your presence.
If you are willing, I am available in ways beyond your logical understanding.
Bharat, as a civilization, turned everything into a Celebration. May this spirit of joyfully celebrating every aspect of life reach Humanity as a Whole.
Life knows no failure. Failure exists only for those who are always comparing themselves with others.
Time is not money. Time is Life.
It is all right if the world thinks you are weird. Everyone is different, so everyone is weird in someone’s eyes. Happily weird or miserably weird – your choice.
This Mahashivratri, ride the natural wave of energy by staying awake and upright through the night, become available to Adiyogi’s grace, and enhance Life.
Inner Engineering
An online program offering tools to take charge of your body, mind, emotions and energies, and live a joyful, fulfilling life.
Isha Kriya
Isha Kriya is a simple yet potent process rooted in the timeless wisdom of the yogic sciences. Offered by Sadhguru, it has the potential to transform the life of anyone willing to invest just 12 minutes a day.
5-Minute Yoga Tools
The only way to experience true wellbeing is to turn inward. This is what yoga means – not up, not out, but in. In is the only way out. – Sadhguru