A Date with Nature - Isha Yoga Summer Program for Children
The schools have reopened after summer vacation in India! We can see children flocking to the schools with a lot of enthusiasm and joy. A few hundred children had the opportunity to effectively use their summer vacation to take their body and mind to a new possibility at Isha.

The Isha yoga summer programs happened at Isha yoga center in the months of April and May 2018. A total of 5 programs happened in these two months and an average of 65 children participated in each of the program.
About 25 volunteers supported to take care of the children and make the program possible in the best way to each and every kid.
The children learnt yogic practices like Suryanamaskar, simple Pranayams and Aum chanting. These practices help the children to improve their physical and mental well being and bring a focus and determination to them. They also help the children to enhance their capability and talent and thus enabling them to take their life forward much more efficiently!
In addition to learning these yogic practices, the children got to be in touch with the nature. The experiences the kids had and the practices they learnt made the children look at everything around them as a life, with lot of reverence. The sessions on nature made the children experientially see themselves as a small part of the big universe.
These programs offered a deep experience to the volunteers as well. Many of the volunteers expressed that the program helped them clear the garbage in their mind and be as simple as a child among the other kids. Many of them also expressed that to be with the children and to take care of them was a wonderful and enriching experience and helped them to take a step forward in their inner growth.
As a part to the program, the children had a rare chance to trek in a dense forest. They also had a privilege to see a number or rare wild animals, plants and trees. It was an unforgettable experience for many children to see the wild animals in person. On top of this, they experientially learnt how to relate to trees, how to identify the different species of birds and how to observe the various life forms around them. This was also an opportunity for them to learn to be in touch with the five elements of nature – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space.
At the end of program, we could see that the childrens’ face had become much brighter with joy and at the same time, reflected a calm serenity. It is true many children never wanted to leave Isha yoga center at the end of the program!
Editor's Note: Check the website for the upcoming summer program.