Day 9 - Cauvery Diaries: Of Motorcycles and a Mystic
Get ready, Tamil Nadu! Sadhguru and the bikers are arriving today for the second leg of Cauvery Calling. From Hosur to Dharmapuri, it will be jam-packed day! Stay tuned for livestreams and live updates on this blog...

2 Days To Go || 1 Day To Go || Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7 || Day 8 ||
Rangaraj Pandey, founder & CEO, Chanakyaa and CEO of Vendhar TV had a conversation last night with Sadhguru at the Mettur campsite.
"People say you are an ultra-modern guru, what do you have to say about this?" asked Rangaraj. "I am neither modern nor ancient, all yogis have been always contemporary," Sadhguru replied.
.@RangarajPandeyR, Founder & CEO, Chanakyaa and CEO of @VendharMediaTV in conversation with @SadhguruJV at Mettur campsite.#CauveryDiaries - Day 9 #CauveryCalling
— Rally For Rivers - Cauvery Calling (@rallyforrivers) September 11, 2019
Singer Karthik and participants of the Southern Sojourn Sacred Walks also joined to make it a satsang.
A volunteer shares:
“Another highlight of the watery night was Karthik, the singer who rode along Sadhguru all the way from Hosur. When it was raining cats and dogs at Mettur campsite, a group of participants and riders stood occupying every inch of muddy earth under a precarious tent. There we had Karthik singing one melody after another on the request of everyone. He was such a joy and kept everyone in high spirits. Despite the tough weather conditions, many didn't want that evening to end.
“Sadhguru also added him in his playlist and asked Karthik to open the satsang with his melodious voice and spirits. Karthik’s luggage was left behind in Hosur as he had jumped in on a ride at the last minute. Since the rain had started soon after they entered SH 20 at around 6:00pm, he was soaked wet by the time we reached the campsite, but he was so wonderful throughout. ‘Cauvery Calling has been a wake up call for me. So much needs to be done. I am thoroughly enjoying being part of this campaign and being around such wonderful people,’ he had shared at the pulp factory.
“Pleasure is entirely ours, Karthik anna.”
.@singer_karthik and Southern Sojourn participants gather for a satsang with @SadhguruJV. @IshaSacredWalks #CauveryDiaries - Day 9 #CauveryCalling
— Rally For Rivers - Cauvery Calling (@rallyforrivers) September 11, 2019
Under the blue skies, the bevy of bikers with @SadhguruJV at the helm, steer towards the campsite at Mettur.#CauveryDiaries - Day 9 #CauveryCalling
— Rally For Rivers - Cauvery Calling (@rallyforrivers) September 11, 2019
About Dharmapuri
Dharmapuri is a place widely known for its historical gems and collections. The significance of its deep-rooted history is visible in its rock sculptures, some of them dating back to the Neolithic age (which saw the first developments in farming). In the year 1965, the district became the first one in Tamil Nadu to be a part of Independent India. Near Dharmapuri are the spectacular Hogenakkal Falls, which literally mean “Smoky Rocks”. These falls are known as the “Niagara Falls of India” and the carbonatite rocks found in this region are among the oldest in the world.
Deputy Chief Minister O. Panneerselvam supports Cauvery Calling.
Shri Pon Radhakrishnan, Former Union Minister of State for Finance and Surface Transport, stands with the cause.
Nithya’s Emotional Connection with Trees
"I am strongly connected with every aspect of Cauvery Calling, because I connect with nature," said actress Nithya Menen as she began to tell the story of her involvement with trees in particular.
"I feel I am in communication with the trees, and I personify trees as humans. When I was 12 years of age, I saw a cut and fallen tree, and I started to cry. For me, it seemed like murder. Since Cauvery Calling is aiming to grow billions of trees, I am just so excited about it," she shared.
"And it's a no-brainer that we need to do something about revitalizing river Cauvery. In my home, I drink Cauvery water, and if she runs out of water, I can't even imagine what this life would be. Unfortunately, most people have such a disconnect with the process of life, that they don’t get this simple fact, that we are getting river water in our taps, directly or indirectly."
"I am grateful to Sadhguru for starting the Cauvery Calling initiative," she added. When asked about her riding experience, she responded with a beaming smile: "Ah! I am enjoying it. This is the first time I am riding in a rally kind of setup, and I feel great about being a part of this group. I feel included."
While traveling with the police force during the drive to Mettur, one of our volunteers overheard a snippet of their conversation. One of the policemen asked, “Today there are heavy rains in Mettur. If it rains, will he stop?” Another one immediately said, “No, he will continue.” A third policeman then said, “He is riding only to get rains – he won’t stop.”
6:15pm - The bikers pass through Kalathur on the way to the night campsite.
Tamil Nadu welcomes Cauvery Calling - in the conventional and not so conventional ways!
When wedding invites are not just to the weddings, but an invite to wake up and contribute to a larger cause. A volunteer’s wedding invite:
Newlyweds hold up the Cauvery Calling placards with great pride. And not just at one wedding.
This family holds up the placards while welcoming their wedding guests.
Every patch of blue available was pasted onto this door. It screams for attention – how can one not donate for the trees after seeing this effort?
And the largest three-dimensional drop one can hold up – a balloon! Cauvery Calling is taking all shapes in Tamil Nadu. Will you be at the Chennai event to share your support for Cauvery too?
This little one is holding on for balance with one hand and holding up the poster with the other, taking a break from the waterfalls behind.
6:05pm - Sadhguru speaks from Mettur Dam. Watch!
5:27 pm - People getting ready to welcome Sadhguru at Kunjandiyur village, on the way to Mettur. A traditional welcome for the Guru!
4:46 pm - Sadhguru interacts with the children of Vallaradivalayam Middle School as they gift him a sapling.
4:15pm - After 3 back to back events in less than 6 hours, Sadhguru parked on the road side to finish a short meeting before heading to Mettur.
3:55pm - Dharmapuri sees off Sadhguru as he continues his travels through Tamil Nadu.
Dharmapuri saw a full house… or tent!
Isha Samskriti performed a vibrant Tamil folk dance, as Sadhguru watched.
S. A. Chinnasamy, the leader of the overall Tamil Nadu Farmers’ Association lamented about the state that we have reduced Cauvery to. “Glorious Cauvery has now been reduced to sand and rocks and a subject of interstate conflict. Today forests have been destroyed. Cauvery is not just calling, she is crying. Now, we are living in a situation where even the water is thirsty.” Speaking about Cauvery Calling, he said, “Through this we can definitely increase soil quality, stop use of chemical fertilizers, and improve farmers’ situation. This will not just to revitalize the environment but also provide economic benefit to farmers. I am not doing this for you - this is for everybody, most importantly for all the farmers. We wish to join you in this initiative,” he pledged to Sadhguru, adding, “As a representative of Tamil Nadu Farmers’ Association, I give our complete support to the Cauvery Calling campaign.”
Sadhguru speaks!
“What was an elixir for us, we have lost, and farmers are taking poison to end their life,” Sadhguru said, pointing out to the sorry state of our rivers. Speaking about agroforestry and the governments of both the states, Sadhguru said “A farmer should have full freedom to grow, cut, transport and sell his trees whenever and wherever he wants. The Tamil Nadu and Karnataka governments have agreed to support the farmers in this. During the first two years of switching to agroforestry, income reduces by 10 to 15%. The Tamil Nadu government has agreed to give subsidies for farmers for the first four years when they shift to agroforestry.” Sadhguru appealed to us, “If we have some concern for our children, we should leave behind fertile soil and sufficient water for them. We should at least leave it back in the state in which our previous generation gave it to us. We should revitalize Cauvery to the state in which she was 50 years ago. We should do this before we leave.”
Watch Sadhguru in Dharmapuri now!
A human chain to save river Cauvery from drowning into our past
In earlier times, human chains were used to save people from drowning in the water. But, nowadays the pace at which our water resources are depleting these chains won’t be required in the coming years. Students of Swami Vivekananda Educational Institution Arumbavur, Perambalur district in Tamil Nadu, stood up for Cauvery Calling. They created a human chain to show their support and spread awareness about the campaign.
1:45pm - Sadhguru arrives in Dharmapuri to a beautiful traditional welcome.
On the way to Dharmapuri, villagers assemble to greet Sadhguru.
Isha Vidhya, Dharmapuri, students look smart as they stand with their matching blue placards and visors.
Cultural and Artistic Touches at Hosur
Some beautiful crafts were seen at the Hosur event.
About Hosur
From earlier this morning, two young volunteers sit at the stadium before the event. One holds a fresh rose - something Hosur is known for.
During the British rule, Hosur was called ‘The little England of India’ as the weather of this place remains pleasant throughout the year. The climate is best for growing roses, and so it is well known for its exotic roses.
A town that has never bragged about its laurels; it is home to the manufacturing units of large scale industries like TVS Motors and Titan. But what makes this place more special is the diversity of its people. The town falls predominantly in the Tamil Nadu region, but people here speak Telugu, Tamil, and Kannada as well. Amidst the city-like hustle-bustle of the town lies a soft corner where you can see a unique blend of cultures.
1:30pm - Sadhguru in on his way to Dharmapuri for the next major event today.

1:00pm - Sadhguru then has a short chitchat with Karthik. He sings a question to Sadhguru through the famous Tamil song “Sindhu Nadhiyin misai nilavinile” which quotes Cauvery (basin) as producing the best betel leaves, and he asks Sadhguru to expound on the produce that comes from this river. Sadhguru spoke about a history of over 12,000 years of farming and rich soil in southern India.
12:30pm - Enroute from Hosur to Krishnagiri, Sadhguru stops in Kaveripattinam where he meets some farmers. He is going to briefly visit Pavitran Aseptic Fruit Products (a factory that pulps fruits/vegetables and packages it in sterilized containers to give a stable shelf-life that does not require refrigeration). The farmers here are into agroforestry and have been growing a variety of mangos for many decades now and supply them to the factory.
The farmers offer lemons and a shawl to Sadhguru - which traditionally represent prosperity and health.
In this factory they process mango pulp, guava pulp, chilli paste, tomato paste, ginger paste, garlic paste, banana pulp, grape pulp and other produce. They have 6 units and have supported 3000 farmers to shift to agroforestry. Sadhguru goes on a small tour of the factory.
11:40am - Sadhguru takes off from Hosur.
Singer Karthik gears up to join the cavalcade of bikers till the next stop.
Watch Sadhguru Live Now as he makes a grand entrance into Tamil Nadu!
10:20am -
Hosur ex-MLA and INTUC head, K.A.Manoharan gave a cheque for 1000 trees to Sadhguru for Cauvery Calling.
Gobichettypalayam Senthilkumar, a successful farmer, spoke about the bounty he has reaped since taking up agroforestry. He has done 12 years of natural farming under Isha's guidance at his farm on the banks of Bhavani river. He shares that when neighboring farms suffer droughts and heavy rains, his farm always sustained as he has planted many trees. While turmeric usually sells for Rs. 7500, his turmeric sells for Rs. 12000 because of its superior quality. His land is fertile and the produce is good.
BJP Youth Wing leader Muruganandam
Dr S. Prabhakar IAS, District Collector, Krishnagiri
Hosur MLA, S.A.Sathya of DMK
Dr.A.Chellakumar - MP Krishnagiri, INC
9:50am - Sadhguru has arrived and is seated amidst the high energy of the stadium. Singer Karthik aptly welcomed the convoy into Tamil Nadu with the "Senthamizh naadenum pozhdhinile" song.
9:25am - Sadhguru speaks to media at Tamil Nadu and Karnataka border, alternating between Kannada and Tamil. He says that Cauvery belongs to both people.
Awaiting the Mystic!
Poorna Kumbh, the traditional way of paying respects to a king, awaits Sadhguru as makes his way to Hosur, in a few minutes...
How can we welcome our Mystic without music? The musicians are gearing up with their instruments, to give Sadhguru a thunderous welcome into Tamil Nadu.
An electric atmosphere has settled in at the Tamil Nadu borders as they expectantly wait for Sadhguru any moment. And if this is any indication of how Tamil Nadu reacts to Sadhguru then we can rest assured, Cauvery will be roaring to life within no time..
9:05am - On the highway, just 20 km away from Hosur…
.@SadhguruJV is reaching Attibele toll post at the Karnataka-Tamil Nadu border.#CauveryDiaries - Day 9 #CauveryCalling
— Rally For Rivers - Cauvery Calling (@rallyforrivers) September 11, 2019
8:50am - Sadhguru sets off for southernmost state of Tamil Nadu, waved off by hundreds of enthusiastic volunteers lined up along the roads.
8:45am - Sadhguru just finished a conversation with actress Varalakshmi Sarathkumar. "Why is Cauvery Calling movement important for Tamil Nadu?" she asked, taking the opportunity to clear a question the Tamil people may have in their minds. Sadhguru explained that the Cauvery Calling campaign is not just about revitalizing the river but about revitalizing the entire basin. It is a solution to the water scarcity facing Tamil people.
8:15am - Sadhguru arrived at Oterra Hotel in Bengaluru to begin the historical journey into Tami Nadu.
He had a quick meeting with the Bengaluru volunteers, updating them about the wonderful support coming in for Cauvery Calling and the success of the UNCCD COP14 event in Delhi that he just returned from. He told them “It doesn't matter what you do, the important thing is we do our best.”
Pictured below, actress Nithya Menen joins the convoy of bikers to ride down south.
Southern Sojourn - A Sacred Experience Awaits!
The Southern Sojourn, starting today, will take participants through Tamil Nadu with Sadhguru, during the second leg of Cauvery Calling. Before the participants left for a trip, we managed to snag a few of them to ask them about their reasons for being part of it.
“I’m here to experience the mysteries of southern Indian temples coming straight from the Mystic,” Alice from London excitedly shared.
“I just felt like coming, and I am here. Looking forward to visiting the temples with ancient designs and architecture, experiencing what kind of energy it generates,” shared Albert. His interest in the architecture can be understood as he is in the construction business.
Disha from London, on the other hand, is here for a totally different reason. She carries a special message for Sadhguru from someone special. “I used to hear Sadhguru's talks when pregnant. Rohan, who is now 3, likes to listen to his talks before sleeping. ‘Are you going to India to meet Sadhguru,’ he asked before I was leaving for India. When I said ‘yes,’ Rohan hopefully said, ‘Ask Sadhguru, will he be my friend?’”
Meena and Amrit from Mumbai are here to show their support to Sadhguru for Cauvery Calling. “Sadhguru is doing wonderful work for humanity. Our daughter Shruti, who is an engineer, said that there would be no water for our children if we don't come together and do something about it. Since Sadhguru has taken on this humongous effort, we are here to join him,” they shared before posing for a picture together.
While we had a lot of people from various parts of the world join this journey, we had a native on the trip too. Hailing from Tirupur, Tamil Nadu, Philomena’s excitement is visible as she shares, “I always wanted to travel across southern India, but couldn't find the right company, even though I am from Tirupur. Now when I heard that Sadhguru himself will be taking us on a journey to the core of Southern Mysticism, I felt it was planned for me. I know any program of Sadhguru has a purpose and a cause, and leaves you feeling wonderful within. So I am excited and looking forward to what is next.”