Sadhanapada – An Opportunity to Upgrade Yourself
When uncertainty and turbulence come knocking, it is the right time to invest time to bring more clarity, balance and intensity. Sadhanapada provides you the tools to live a profound and deeply fulfilling life, regardless of outer situations.

Empowered by technology and driven by the desire to lead a fulfilling life, many young people have entered workplaces and businesses for the first time, only to be disappointed. Finding themselves at a crossroads, many are unable to decide what to do next. They want to grow, explore, and discover new things. Maryam S, from the Sadhanapada ’19 -‘20 batch shares, "I was completely lost in the professional world, it was such a big departure from what I was used to. Sadhanapada has prepared me for the situation." There are countless individuals like Maryam who have benefited from the program.
The year 2020 has been particularly harsh, with the pandemic affecting more than 75 million people globally and causing 1.6 million fatalities. Many whose life was “settled” have been yanked unceremoniously from their comfort zones and thrust into uncertainty. Some people have lost their homes, jobs and loved ones while many others are living in fear and anxiety.
Every disruption also brings with it fresh possibilities. Sadhanapada is one such opportunity to make use of this time to transform yourself on the deepest level.
What Is Sadhanapada?
The Sadhanapada program is a seven-month intensive residential program for transformation through sadhana (Yogic practices) and seva (volunteering). Designed by Sadhguru and offered without a fee, these seven months can bring about a qualitative difference in your life by empowering you to take charge of your body and mind, enabling you to live life joyfully and effortlessly.
Sadhanapada systematically introduces participants to a comprehensive set of tools to deepen their inner experience and intensify their spiritual process. Every year, participants from all age groups and all walks of life arrive at Isha Yoga Center in Coimbatore to strive for a more profound and fulfilling life. Sadhanapada is a seven month investment that can significantly enhance your ability to thrive under any circumstances. Nathalie Lolo Minanga, an IT Professional from Canada shares, “I came to Sadhanapada unaware of the layers of resistance and limitations within me. So far it has been humbling and enriching on many levels. Whatever I thought I knew got beaten up a bit, so that I can clearly see the reality of every situation and learn to live and work with that. With so many unexpected situations, I have come to see that I have the choice of going through it all joyfully or miserably, and the opportunity is there to exercise that choice, again and again, every day.”
These challenging times could be the perfect opportunity to invest in a profound and lasting process of self-transformation that will empower you to ride through any kind of turbulence with ease.
Isha Yoga Center – A Haven for Health and Wellbeing
Sadhanapada participants spend seven months at the Isha Yoga Center which is nestled in the lush green rainforest at the foothills of the Velliangiri Mountains in southern India. Every aspect of the Yoga Center has been carefully crafted to support a seeker on their spiritual journey. The highest standards of health and hygiene are maintained at all times. Especially during these pandemic times, the Yoga Center has been meticulous in enforcing all necessary precautions to keep infection at bay. Specially equipped quarantine and isolation zones ensure that visitors travelling to and from the Yoga Center are not carriers of the virus. There are regular health checkups for all residents, daily immunity boosting hot drinks, highly-pranic, sattvic food, powerful Yogic sadhana and a sprawling campus to walk around in pristine nature. It is thanks to this effort that Isha Yoga Center remains a COVID-free zone.
Unleash Your True Potential
The daily schedule during Sadhanapada includes Yogic sadhana with daily guided practices, regular practice correction sessions and the opportunity to participate in advanced Yoga programs.
Another core aspect of Sadhanapada is seva, or volunteering, which is a wonderful means to offer one’s skill and talent to support Sadhguru’s vision of offering at least one drop of spirituality to all. At the same time, it is also a way to break personal limitations. Working in a richly diverse environment helps hone current professional skills as well as enhance soft skills.
Jovana Balanovic, a 31-year-old Social Scientist from New Zealand shares, “I would say I didn't really know the definition of an adventure until Sadhanapada. It took me a while to ‘go with it,’ but once I saw that not knowing what was coming next was actually thrilling rather than terrifying, it became fantastic! I desperately wanted an adventure and I got it for sure!”
Being in the presence of powerfully energized spaces such as Adiyogi, Adiyogi Alayam, Dhyanalinga, Linga Bhairavi and the Theerthakunds is a rare boon for a spiritual seeker.
Upgrade Yourself with Sadhanapada
Break free from the shackles of personal limitations and compulsions that have been limiting your growth. Live in a supportive and vibrant spiritual community where people from all walks of life have come together with the common goal of self-transformation.
Shreeram, a Sadhanapada alumnus from Pune, sums up his Sadhanapada experience succinctly: “Never in my wildest dreams had I imagined going through something so incredibly powerful. It brought me to the depths of my mind, which I was not even aware of. I smiled at how foolish it is to be caught up in everyday chatter. I am forever grateful to have had this opportunity presented to me in such a beautiful manner.”
An uncertain future can be turned into a life full of possibilities through Sadhanapada.