Does Devi Know What You Want?
Sadhguru says, “All that human beings consider as wellbeing will be theirs, if only they earn the Grace of Bhairavi.” This naturally brings us to the question: how does Devi make this happen? Does she know our deepest desires and wants? Sadhguru explains how things manifest in our lives with Devi’s Grace.

Questioner: In our daily lives, we have many aspirations, many efforts going on. Does Devi automatically know what we want, and where we are heading?
Sadhguru: If you buy yourself a bicycle or a boat, will the bicycle or boat decide where you should go? Wherever you want to go, it will enhance your journey. Bhairavi is not interested in where the hell you are going. Bhairavi need not know where you are going, she just enhances your ability to go. You can go wherever you want. That is why I am saying that she is a machine. If we calibrate Bhairavi in such a way that she takes you in one particular direction – let’s say to your mukti – then no matter where you want to go, she will drag you and take you only there. But even though she takes you towards the highest possibility, if you go unwillingly, it will be a miserable life for you.Subscribe
But she is not calibrated in one direction. Bhairavi will just enhance what you want, she does not decide. It is very important that once you enhance your ability to move, you must make it clear within yourself where you want to go. If you keep changing your destination every day, then the mistakes that you make are big, because the machine has enhanced you. If you are walking and you are taking a wrong direction, you can turn around. If you are flying an aircraft, you cannot suddenly turn around, it will take a long turn. Once you have an enhanced level of capability, it is very important to clearly determine where you want to go. Changing directions every day would just waste life.
Do not think in terms of, “She’s going to give me something.” Just connect with devotion. She need not do anything. You just take care of her. What has to happen will happen. The best way is not to ask for anything. The best way is to simply see how profoundly you can connect with that dimension. If you ask, you will only ask from what you know. You cannot ask for what you do not know. Asking for what you know may look like development for now, but it is actually a backward step.
For what you do not know to happen, you should stop asking. If you simply connect with that energy, things will happen. Whichever way it happens, it is fine with us. For all these things to happen, you should have established yourself in such a way that what happens around you does not determine the quality of your life. What happens around you determines the quality of your work and what you do in the world – it should not determine the quality of who and what you are. Once this is established, then you will see asking for something is silly, because you are only asking for things that you already know.
For something beyond what you know to happen, the best thing is to understand that asking is not the way to exist. Asking is a very rudimentary way to exist. There are better, more profound ways to exist. The same with me – I do not sit and decide anything. I take Shiva as my fifty percent partner not because he does anything. He does nothing. I do all the work. But he puts on the indicator which way to turn. The driving is all mine, but just for giving that simple direction, he gets fifty percent. Where the blinkers are on, that is the direction I go. I do not turn on the blinkers – the blinkers simply turn on. Once the blinkers turn on, I know I need to turn that way. This is an arrangement made for dumb drivers.
So, do not become anxious about whether something is going to happen or not. If it happens – good. If it does not happen – very good. “Then, why Bhairavi? Am I wasting my time with her?” Should you drive the Divine, or should the Divine drive you? If you understand that, then there is no issue. But right now, you are trying to drive the Divine, which is a silly way to exist.
Editor's Note: The next Yantra Ceremony will be held at Isha Yoga Center on December 11, 2019. This includes initiation into a powerful process and receiving the Yantra in Sadhguru's presence. For more details, click here or call 844 844 7708.