How Should Our Parents Influence Our Lives?
Lakshmi Manchu asks Sadhguru about the impact of our relationship with our parents. Until we reach 21 years, says Sadhguru, our parents may influence us in many ways, but after this age, their karmic influence must end so that our life happens fresh.

Lakshmi Manchu: Namaskaram Sadhguru! Does the relationship that we have with our parents impact the course of our life? If yes, how best are we to nurture this?
One should not be influenced by the patterns of parentage after twenty-one because it is important that one’s life is a fresh life, not a repetition of what has happened in the previous generation. There is a karmic influence which definitely influences everybody up to twenty-one years, but beyond this age, there is no such thing. A whole lot of people may depend on parents psychologically, financially, or socially, but essentially this karmic bond breaks at the age of twenty-one. We should not look for parental nurture after twenty-one years. After that, it is a bond of relationship, of love, and of gratitude. Those things can stay forever.
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