Keeping Spirituality Alive in its True Essence
25th November marks the day when Dhyanalinga was offered to the world. After three lifetimes of work, Sadhguru had fulfilled his guru’s wish. In this article, he answers a question on what his own wish and plans are.

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Q: Sadhguru, you have completed your guru’s wish. What is our guru’s wish and plans for us?
Sadhguru: Do you just want to entertain yourself with fancy talk, or do you want to stand up and do something, accordingly I will speak.
As a spiritual possibility, I have plans laid out for the next 1000 years. As a social possibility, right now I have plans for the next 50 years. The spiritual plans are best revealed at the right time. When the Dhyanalinga consecration was nearing completion and it was almost quite certain that I would leave, I wrote down hundreds of pages as to what the next 5, 10, 20 generations of people who are going to be here should do in this place where Dhyanalinga will be… But now, I burnt all that, not because plans have changed – the fundamental plans are still the same – but now that we have more time, we can fill a lot of flesh into the skeleton. When time was very limited, the plans were very sketchy and skeletal.
Socially, we have plans in elaborate detail as to what we can do around us for the next 50 years. That is the real challenge. When it comes to spiritual plans, volume is not the point – what is happening is the point. But when we have social plans, how much will happen is very much the issue.
Always, when I make a plan, I make Plan A, Plan B, Plan C; because what we do in the world is subject to so many things. These are not the plans of somebody who lives in a fools’ paradise. These are plans of an utterly practical person – not removed from the current reality, at the same time, willing and daring to think beyond the present limitations.
Spiritually, we want to establish the purity of what is being done. The way spirituality is being presented worldwide is a big joke right now. Some of it is utterly ridiculous, a lot of it is crooked. Much more of it is well-meaning but stupid – there is nothing spiritual about it. I would say the crooked ones do not cause so much harm to spirituality. If someone is a crook, after sometime people realize he is a crook and dismiss him as nonsense. It is the well-meaning people who cause maximum harm because they will reduce everything into something so small and meaningless – there is nothing spiritual about it. And they are good people, so naturally people will trust them.
The highest dimension of life has become so ridiculous today. Otherwise, it has just become solace seeking. There are lots of people in the world playing this solace trick, “Don’t worry, our Mataji will take care of you, our Baba will take care of you, our Guruji will take care of you” – this kind of thing.
So, my plans for spirituality are, we want to re-establish the safeguards so that misuse of spirituality cannot happen. In India, the spiritual process always had wonderful safeguards. My plans are to establish safeguards so that for the next 1000 years, it will go on with the same purity. Maybe it will not explode across the planet because of these safeguards, it will happen to a smaller group of people, but that’s okay. Keeping it alive in its true essence is the best thing we can do to the world.
Editor’s Note:Dhyanalinga – The Silent Revolution is the first book that introduced Dhyanalinga to the world. Published in 2000, barely a year after the Dhyanalinga was consecrated, the book was the very first to be published by Isha. 128 pages of rare photographs, vivid paintings by artist Thota Tharani, and award winning design introduce the reader to the science of yoga, the history of lingas, the construction and design of the Dhyanalinga parikrama, and finally, to the saga of three lifetimes – the consecration of the Dhyanalinga. The ebook is a scanned and updated version of the now out-of-print book.