Introducing the Isha Kriya
In this week’s Spot, Sadhguru talks about Isha Kriya. “One thing we are introducing at these programs, apart from Shambhavi, is the Isha Kriya. Shambhavi cannot be taught, but the Isha Kriya can, and I have asked all the participants to teach it to at least ten other people within one month. So far, 35,000 people have attended these mega programs. This means that at least 350,000 people should be touched by the Isha Kriya within the next month.”

We had over 14,000 people at our last mega program in Chennai. And for three days, these 14,000 people sat with an intensity and focus that is unprecedented, even despite the heat. And hours after the program ended, many stayed on to dance and celebrate throughout the night.
One thing we are introducing at these programs, apart from Shambhavi, is the Isha Kriya. Shambhavi cannot be taught, but the Isha Kriya can, and I have asked all the participants to teach it to at least ten other people within one month. So far, 35,000 people have attended these mega programs. This means that at least 350,000 people should be touched by the Isha Kriya within the next month.
Yoga is not only for an individual’s wellbeing, it is also for social wellbeing. It is for the country’s wellbeing, and the world’s wellbeing. In this country, if you travel just 100kms, the way people dress, speak and eat are totally different. Even the way they look is different. But still, we are keeping this country as one nation. The basis for this is that a thread of spirituality is running through India. If this thread of spirituality is removed, if this formula of spirituality is removed, after some time, we will wonder why we are living together.
In the very complex and rich spiritual diversity that exists in India, the fundamental factor which is of great significance today is that it is not dogmatic. It does not matter what the past incarnations and prophets have said, and it does not matter what is said in the scriptures, each individual is encouraged to seek truth on his own terms, as truth can neither be interpreted nor transmitted, but can only be realized. The methods, energy and grace that is needed for realization can be transmitted, but never realization itself. So this fundamental spiritual thread is what holds a complex assembly of cultures that come together under the name of ‘Bharat’, or India.
In the last three days, I’ve been in different part of Punjab and Delhi, and today I’m back in Mohali, Punjab for a cracker of a sporting event. A cricket match between India and Pakistan, which is the World Cup semi-final. The intensity and the atmosphere that it breathes are indescribable.