Day 8 - Cauvery Diaries: Of Motorcycles and a Mystic
As we gear up for the second leg of Cauvery Calling in Tamil Nadu tomorrow, we bring you some inspiring sharings from volunteers, snippets about our motorcyclists and Sadhguru’s articles and videos to keep up to date on the campaign.

2 Days To Go || 1 Day To Go || Day 1 || Day 2 || Day 3 || Day 4 || Day 5 || Day 6 || Day 7
Preparations are underway at the indoor stadium of Adhiyaman College of Engineering in Hosur, the host of tomorrow’s event with Sadhguru.
The Experiments of an Agroforestry Farmer in Karnataka
Watch: Cricketer Veda Krishnamurthy Gets a Few Tips from Sadhguru
What does it take to prevent the mind from wandering at the crease? "Just fall in love with the ball," says Sadhguru.
7:30pm - Participants of the Southern Sojourn, who have joined for the second leg of Cauvery Calling, relish the continental platter at Oterra Hotel in Bengaluru, with a lineup of delicious salads like: Watermelon Feta salad, Tamatarar aur Tusli la Shorba, Mushroom Consomme, and plenty to choose from the main course menu... before we enter into land of exotic spices and aroma tomorrow.
Meet Our Motorcyclists - Hormazd Siganporia
“A massage therapist for the past 17 years, now an aspiring yogi and an adventure motorcyclist.” This is how Homi introduces himself to us.
“It took me 4 years to finally buy this bike on which I intend to explore our mystical country,” he tells us his plans for his Triumph Tiger on which he posed upon our request for a picture.
His reason to be part of Cauvery Calling is deep rooted. The realization of how our farmers have been faithfully nourishing our lives, yet we have left them to fend for themselves and pushed them to commit suicide, hit him in the solar plexus. This motorcyclist from Mumbai has already contributed 200 trees and is now working to set up a fundraiser page with the help of volunteers.
The idea of riding along with Sadhguru has gripped this 38-year-old rider. His first long ride on this bike was to the ashram for Mahashivratri two years ago, and now he rides along with the Mystic on a motorcycle for a cause that will decide the future of the country.
Our volunteers have been busy, spreading awareness amongst the farmers in the villages nearby Hosur, the venue where the second leg of the campaign begins in Tamil Nadu tomorrow. Farmers in full support to Cauvery Calling pose with the placards.
At COP14, Sadhguru spent about half an hour in the Cauvery Calling stall, along with Ravi Singh, Secretary General and CEO of World Wide Fund for Nature - India, and a Rally for Rivers Board member.
Sadhguru’s appearance came out of the blue for the stall volunteers. One of them shares, “As I walked back towards our Cauvery Calling booth after checking out the neighboring booths, Sanjay anna grabbed my hand and whispered, ‘He is going to come here…’
“Barely able to hear him, and not able capable of imagining what he was about to tell me, I asked, like a fool, ‘Who?’
“He said, ‘He,’ pointing to the opposite side of the hall where Sadhguru had already made his entry and was visiting other booths.
“We quickly tidied up our booth and stood behind the desk ready to receive Sadhguru...only to be told by the video team to please step out and empty the entire booth! Then Sadhguru came and sat there with Ravi Singh. The two looked so comfortable and relaxed, discussing topics which we could not overhear as there was no mic.
“A lady from an African media was watching silently, but we could see how much she wanted to be there up front and ask Sadhguru a question. Then Swami Tushya asked her to come forward. She was a little shy but came and asked her question...which again we could not hear! But she seemed spellbound by Sadhguru.
“Afterwards, Sadhguru made his way to media interviews, leaving us soaked in the grace and excitement of his surprise visit.”
Meanwhile, there was another group of volunteers far away at the Isha Yoga Center who were also happy about Sadhguru’s visit to the stall. The Isha Impressions (graphic design) team, who has been working long hours for Cauvery Calling behind the scenes, was delighted to see Sadhguru next to the banners they had designed!
At COP14 today, Sadhguru with Ibrahim Thiaw, Secretary General of UNCCD.
Cristina Pasca Palmer, Executive Secretary, UN Convention on Biological Diversity, supports Cauvery Calling.
Siddhanta Das (L), Director General of Forests, Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, and Justice Adarsh Kumar Goel (M), Chairperson of the National Green Tribunal meet Sadhguru.
The Greatest Gift We Can Give the Next Generation
Soil and water are the most important wealth that we possess, without which there is no life for future generations. The greatest gift that we can give the next generation is rich soil and abundant water flowing in our rivers. #CauveryCalling
— Isha Foundation (@ishafoundation) September 10, 2019
An Artist’s Daughter Who Became A Nadi Veera
Picture a little girl carrying a bucket of water on her shoulder, her head, or any surface where she can balance it. Her hapless mother, who had a recent surgery and could not carry heavy things, was forced to get her daughters to help fetch water from the well and carry it up to their first floor house. They did this 2-3 times a week just so the family could bathe and have water for general utility.
This was not in a village or in some faraway town. This was an area called Cambridge Layout, in central Bengaluru in 1992. This city’s groundwater has been running dry for decades.
Bengaluru falls at the edge of the Cauvery basin which falls in the states of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. As Cauvery River has depleted, a conflict between these two states has erupted over water.
This girl’s father, an artist, was deeply affected by the Cauvery dispute and the water shortage. His emotions poured out in the form of a painting. Two boys with slate boards are fighting over some water, one with the letter ‘aa’ in Kannada and the other with the letter ‘aa’ in Tamil. Their mother is torn between the two, while the glass of water spills over on the floor and is of no value to either of the boys anymore. There is also a depiction in the painting, of the significance of a mother, in the form of two kittens drinking milk from their mother.
Today, this girl from Bengaluru grew up to become a Nadi Veera, and she calls her father, “Sadhguru is making your dream come true, dad. Cauvery will be safe.”
He was filled with pride and joy as he said, “I am so happy, I am very happy, ma.” He is all of 74 years and suffers from Parkinson’s, but his spirit never fades as he tears up for this cause that his heart beat for since decades.
Nawazuddin Siddiqui Draws Attention to India’s Water Crisis
What will you do when there's no more water to drink? In his own inimitable way, @Nawazuddin_S draws attention to the alarming water crisis that India is facing. But is there a solution? Cauvery is Calling! #CauveryCalling
— Isha Foundation (@ishafoundation) September 10, 2019
Watch: Cauvery Calling Finds Its Cutest And Most Articulate Supporter
This little girl really knows the value of saving our rivers! Watch as she explains why Cauvery Calling means a lot to her.
Read: Why Sadhguru Chose Cauvery by Sadhguru
Sadhguru shares his intimate connection with Cauvery and explains why he chose Cauvery as a model for river revitalization.
Meet Our Motorcyclists - Meeta Walavalkar
Having been part of a lake redevelopment trust in her neighbourhood, Meeta understands the effort and thought that goes into a campaign as huge as Cauvery Calling. “So when Sadhguru took up this cause and came with this wonderfully simplistic yet workable solution that not only would revive the river, but also improve economic conditions of the farmers in the Cauvery basin, I had to get on the bandwagon,” she shared. A serial entrepreneur and a mother of 3 kids, she believes that we owe it to our future generations to see Cauvery flow again. Riding on her Royal Enfield, she is ecstatic about this bike rally as it was a challenge - they had to brave the weather, ride through various terrains and yet make it to the designated places on time. “I’ve taken it upon myself to raise 10,000 trees. I am sure with the help of my friends and family, I will get there soon,” Meeta promises before riding off to reach her goals. To help her meet her targets, check out her crowdfunding page here .
On the side of UNCCD COP14 in Delhi today, Sadhguru had an interview with Nitish Arora of All India Radio:
Cauvery and Me
Shashank, a Nadi Veera, tells us about the time when he first laid eyes on Cauvery and his behind the scenes work for Cauvery Calling:
“Having lived in Bengaluru all my life, water was just a commodity. Water bodies were a pretty sight, but that’s about it. I really had no connection to water.
“As part of “Rally for Rivers” work, there was a baseline survey conducted in the Cauvery basin region. I was a part of this survey team, and during this time, while visiting the forests, I chanced upon Cauvery River.
“This was a moment where everything just stood still for me. There was Cauvery and there was me, and she was so magnificent. I experienced the river as a much bigger life than myself. I never saw a river the same way again.
“I am in the eMedia team of Rally for Rivers, and I have been working in the backend for Cauvery Calling. I am able to see just how much effort goes into making this reach people around the world and for them to experience it remotely. Behind every video, photo and sharing, there are committed people who will not get any name or fame - they are simply devoted to spreading this message. This is a people's movement, and I am truly fortunate to see it happen right before my eyes.”
Actress Juhi Chawla has been donating 100 trees on occasion of her friends’ birthdays.
What a wonderful way of wishing your dear ones and connecting them to an important cause! Such ongoing contributions are very much a need of the hour to keep the momentum going as Cauvery Calling is a 12-year project. Let’s all find more occasions to plant trees!
On Chintuji's birthday today, we pledge a 100 trees #CauveryCalling for a brighter & greener tomorrow ..!! Happy Birthday Chintuji .....!!! ???☘? @chintskap
— Juhi Chawla (@iam_juhi) September 4, 2019
As a tribute to 100s of evergreen songs by ever young Ashaji, on the event of her birthday yesterday, we pledged a 100 trees in her honour. #CauveryCalling ??? @ashabhosle
— Juhi Chawla (@iam_juhi) September 9, 2019
As our Khiladi Kumar is forever upbeat to champion a cause, to celebrate his birthday today we plegde a 100 trees as a part of the greater #CauveryCalling intiative. ? Happy Birthday @akshaykumar
— Juhi Chawla (@iam_juhi) September 9, 2019
2:30pm - Naoko Ishii, CEO of Global Environment Facility, is all ears as Sadhguru explains the scale and scope of Cauvery Calling.
Watch: Why Sadhguru Loves Riding in the Rain
With CauveryCalling going strong through the wild monsoon rains, Sadhguru shares an intimate experience from his youth to illustrate how he’s always loved the wild weather.
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At COP14, Sadhguru walked into the India Pavillion in the middle of one of the sessions. They immediately stopped and urged Sadhguru onto the stage, where they thrust a mike to him, asking him to speak on the Himalayan ecosystem. He graciously obliged, after profusely apologizing for having disrupted the proceedings by having walked in, something that he never likes to do.
When Bengaluru Lost its Luster, it Gained a Nadi Veera - Rohit’s Story
Growing up in Bengaluru, I saw all the greenery and the lakes which lent the city its name as the Garden City of India.
I remember hearing that we get “Cauvery water” in our taps, when I was little. It seemed like a prestigious thing to have this water in one’s house. I never really understood what “Cauvery water” meant, until one summer when my mom took us to visit our grandmother in Srirangapatna. Here I was introduced to River Cauvery. I spent every summer thereafter in Srirangapatna with my siblings and cousins, playing in the river every chance we got. I have so many memories with this river - I distinctly remember that it was very big and very beautiful.
Many years later as I started trekking in the Western Ghats, I could make the connection as to how a river is formed - from lush forests making rain, which in turn, flow as a river.
Over the years I saw the steady decline in the availability of water in the homes of Bengaluru. From flowing tap water being available 24 hours a day, to water supply for just one hour every two days, it was hopeless. People now had to plan being at home, so they can fill up their buckets and overhead tanks for the entire week’s supply. As I saw the greenery reduce, the concrete, traffic and pollution increase, the lakes dry up, I was saddened to the core watching my city lose its luster.
I worked as an IT Professional with a comfortable (or more than comfortable) role and salary, but something was bothering me - this was just not enough. Being a Nature lover and a proud resident of an erstwhile pristine environment, I was very concerned and wondered what could be the solution and how I could help. I got all my answers when Rally for Rivers was launched by Sadhguru!
I have learnt so many aspects about agriculture, farmers, the village life, rain, rivers, agroforestry, soil, FPOs and so much more as a Nadi Veera. I have had the privilege of experiencing hospitality at a poor farmer's humble abode for an entire week.
During the recent Cauvery Calling Farmers’ Outreach Campaign, I met so many farmers and heard their stories, mostly distressing but some heartwarming, encouraging and inspiring. The experience has been so rich and diverse; every moment left me feeling like I belong here.
As I headed to Bengaluru for the Cauvery Calling event, I invited the other Nadi Veeras to my home to meet my mother, who has her own special bond with nature. She definitely has had a huge influence on the way I thought and felt towards nature and trees. She lovingly spent time with us and blessed everyone for doing this work. She gave the Nadi Veeras a tour of her garden, filled with therapeutic plants. And what better audience than the Nadi Veeras for such a tour – they hung onto every word she spoke.
242 Crores Trees Minus 1!
242 crore trees? Make that 242 crore minus one! 8-year-old Arjun Raj was inspired by #CauveryCalling, to make a donation of Rs 42 from his personal piggy bank.#CauveryDiaries - Day 5
— Isha Foundation (@ishafoundation) September 7, 2019
@SadhguruJV attended the biggest global meet #UNCCDCOP14 today. He acknowledged weakening of soil as the biggest challenge which directly affects our water & food security. Hoping the best results from #COP14, he expressed his heartiest wishes to the leaders.
— UNCCDCOP14INDIA (@India4Land) September 9, 2019
1:00pm - Sadhguru and Ravi Singh, the Secretary General and CEO of World Wide Fund for Nature - India, are addressing the media at COP14 in Delhi.
Mr. Sergio Costa, Italy’s Environment Minister greeted Sadhguru post his plenary session at COP14 today in Delhi, and expressed his deep appreciation. He is flanked by the Ambassador to India, Mr. Lorenzo Angeloni.
Read: Agroforestry Makes the Farmer Rich and Saves the River by Sadhguru
Loan waivers are only increasing farmers' distress. Farmers can come out of debt by adopting agroforestry to increase their income and in the process revitalize India's rivers.
11:35am - The Plenary Session 1 at COP14 in Delhi - Interactive Dialogue: A Values-Based Approach to Land Stewardship gets over. Sadhguru gives his closing remarks about bringing a deep sense of respect and reverence to the food that we eat, the air that we breathe, water we drink and earth we walk upon. He said that this was the ethos of our culture but it has been lost to modern way of looking at life. He said that we must once again look our natural resources as “life making ingredients, not resources to consume and discard.”
Pictured below, Sadhguru with the other panelists.
10:55am - Sadhguru just finished answering a question from Argentina on the principle obstacles in dealing with population at national levels.
Sadhguru spoke about how if human beings can go beyond their identification with their physicality, then the need to compulsively reproduce will go away. He stressed the importance of conducting our physiological compulsions consciously, that this is the significance of being human. If we do not conduct our reproductive activity in a conscious way, nature will control it in a cruel manner. He said that this is not a moral, ethical or religious issue, but a question of sense. The consumption of an individual human being, our footprint on the planet, is much larger than people of the past. So accordingly we need to consciously change.
"One Can live without Love, but Nobody can live without water," says (@iamsrk) Shahrukh Khan as he makes a heartfelt appeal for everyone to chip in to revive Cauvery.
— Rally For Rivers - Cauvery Calling (@rallyforrivers) September 9, 2019
Popular Senegalese singer Baaba Maal mentioned how all the young Senegalese are following Sadhguru, and that he is getting numerous messages from his countrymen for sharing a panel with Sadhguru. After hearing Sadhguru speak at COP14, Baaba Maal thanked Sadhguru and said Sadhguru reminded him of three great people who have inspired him to be who he is today - his father, Nelson Mandela and Abu Aziz Sy. Stay tuned for the Q&A session… Watch the livestream now! Select the Plenary Hall session.
10:30am - Sadhguru finished his opening address. He spoke in response to a question about applying a values-based approach to inspire a global restoration of our natural world.
10:08am - Sadhguru’s session at the UNCDD in Delhi has just begun.
Watch the livestream now!
Peeling Off Layers in Cauvery Calling
‘I am taking two weeks of break,’ my business partner announced. With a straight face, I said ‘Okay,’ but inside I was dancing with joy. Why? “On the 19th of August, I came back from the Isha Yoga Center after attending Sannidhi training, and now, I wanted to leave for the Cauvery Calling rally happening in Bengaluru. I was very anxious to announce this to my partner, but his announcement made it easy. “On the 1st of September, without a second thought, I requested him to take care of the office, and I left for Mysuru. I was surprised to see that gradually everything started to become seamless. From arranging logistics overnight to working with various departments and ensuring smooth communication amidst constant up-gradation of plans, things started falling in place. All this and a lot more happened, and I feel Sadhguru’s grace was constantly there with me throughout these days. “But there is another side to this story. Grace supported me, but it showered me with challenges too - one moment of satisfaction and then bam! I was woken up from my sleep. It just kept me alert and pushed me to do my best. During the event, whenever I did my sadhana, I felt lighter. “Within these few days itself, I could see how my bondages peeled off layer by layer.” - Arul, Isha volunteer
Meet Our Motorcyclists - Ramya and Balaji
We caught Ramya Balaji, one of our riders, to share her experience of the first leg of Cauvery Calling. Thrilled to be part of this volley of bikers and Sadhguru, she looks forward to the next leg of the ride, “This first group of 24 riders, including celebrities, were like a group of people who have been riding together forever. There was such good understanding and coordination amongst us, and above all, each one gave Sadhguru the space he required, so that he could interact with the bikers and the public more freely. It was such a pleasure riding with this group. We will be missing those who are leaving us after the first leg, while we are excited to meet the new set of riders who would be joining for the next.” Her husband, Balaji, is also one of the riders in the group. We got this biker couple to share a picture of them at the Shivanasamudra Falls.
Read: Agriculture Can Fuel the Next Economic Revolution by Sadhguru
Sadhguru examines how agriculture is practiced today in India, and explains what it will take to “kickstart” farming, which could drive the nation’s economy to the next level.”