Fake Headlines Maligning the Good Name of Isha Foundation
Recent clickbait reports have spread misinformation and false allegations against Isha Foundation. Here, we address these claims to provide a clear understanding of the truth.

In the last few days, it is unfortunate that several clickbait media reports have been published that have spread misinformation and false allegations against Isha Foundation. Through yellow journalism, dubious tweets and biased reports, attempts are being made to construct a narrative of dreadful wrongdoings on the Isha Yoga Center’s premises.
We would like to address each of these points and provide accurate information for those seeking the truth.
Supreme Court Dismisses Allegations Against Isha Foundation, Questions Motive Behind Accusations
Before going into the allegations, we would like to first and foremost clarify that the Supreme Court has dismissed the allegations against Isha Foundation, and at one point even observed during the hearing that the motives behind the accusations seem dubious. The Supreme Court also took strong exception to the High Court ordering a police enquiry against the foundation on such uncertain grounds, observing that “proceedings cannot be used to malign people and malign institutions.”
Ironically, the father and mother of the two monks had already filed a very similar case in 2016, stating that the two monks were being “brainwashed and held captive" at the Isha Yoga Center. These allegations were dismissed by the High Court after due investigation, which stated that “there is no truth in the allegation, and that the detenues are staying at the Foundation on their own will.”
Moving on to the fabricated headlines…
Fake Headline #1: People Mysteriously Disappear & Go Missing From the Foundation
Contrary to these claims, people are NOT constantly going missing from the Foundation. According to the Tamil Nadu Police’s own report, in the last 15 years of the foundation’s functioning, and among over 75 million visitors who have come to the Isha Yoga Center, 6 missing person reports were made. These incidents were mainly due to visitors getting lost on their way back home after a visit, or miscommunication with friends or relatives, or technology malfunctions such as a phone not receiving calls properly.
Five of the six reports have been closed by the police because the individuals were found safe and well. There is one open report, which was in fact filed by the Foundation itself. The person, who had gone outside the Isha Yoga Center, was unreachable after a few hours of absence. The Foundation immediately approached the police and informed the family. The Foundation continues to follow up and work with the police and hopes for the individual’s safe return.
Fake Headline #2: Crematoriums Are Being Operated in the Yoga Center - Do You Know Who They Burn There!
No crematorium is operational on the premises of the Isha Yoga Center. Isha operates 14 government crematoriums in various towns and cities across Tamil Nadu, in an official capacity as designated by the Tamil Nadu government since 2010. All cremations that take place at these crematoriums follow the law and guidelines set by the law enforcement and government authorities.
To reiterate, none of these crematoriums are located in the Isha Yoga Center. Additionally, all structures in the Isha Yoga Center are authorized by the government and built as per the law.
Moreover, during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, an acute shortage of well-equipped crematoriums, hearse services and other resources prevented families across the country from giving a dignified farewell to their loved ones and also posed a critical challenge for administrations. In these traumatic times, Isha embarked on the “Dignity in Death” initiative, where cremation services were offered free of cost.
A dedicated group of volunteers and monks stepped up to keep the crematoriums fully operational, and since then the respect and admiration for Isha’s volunteers and their concern for society’s wellbeing has only increased manifold.
Fake Headline #3: Women Are Molested and Used For All Kinds of Purposes!
On the contrary, being well aware of the discrimination that women have faced in general society over the last few centuries, Isha places great importance in ensuring a safe, comfortable and healthy environment for all women volunteers, staff, visitors and monks.
As a matter of fact, the foundation, through its rural education initiative - Isha Vidhya - has actively worked for the education and literacy of girls in rural areas. Of the approximately 10,000 rural children who study in Isha Vidhya’s English-medium schools, 48% are girls and 5500 children are on full scholarship.
Additionally, as per the guidance of the government’s Social Welfare Department, the foundation has an Internal Complaints Committee and is POSH-compliant, and also conducts sessions to sensitize and educate all those who are part of the foundation.
It is also being claimed that a girl was harassed at the “Isha Center”. This is untrue. As per the case details filed by the police, a doctor who was employed to conduct a medical examination as part of a free Outreach medical camp, was accused of harassment. The camp was not being conducted at the Isha Yoga Center. The case is currently under investigation and the organization has extended full cooperation to the authorities.
Fake Headline #4: Laughing Gas and Coma to Harvest Kidneys!
Accusations include such laughable claims as Laughing Gas being used to make people at the Isha Yoga Center happy, and that people are kept in a coma to harvest their kidneys. To clarify, people at the Isha Yoga Center are joyful by themselves and do not require Laughing Gas or other such strange administrations. Also, their kidneys are present (in their own bodies!) and are operating well.
Past Accusations
In the past, many vested interests who stand to lose ill-gotten financial and other gains due to Isha’s social and spiritual work, have sought to malign the foundation. These have been repeatedly cleared and dismissed by the courts, at times with stern observations from the courts on the motives of the petitioners. Multiple government departments and expert panels constituted by the government have also dismissed these allegations, and in no uncertain terms have upheld the foundation’s activities as being above board and completely lawful.