5 Ways To Make 2020 A Year Of Vision and Inner Clarity
Excited to usher in 2020? Ready to tackle new challenges and explore fresh opportunities? These 5 tools from Sadhguru will ensure that you meet 2020 with inner clarity and a 20/20 vision!

#1 Choose Three Things That Will Make You A Wonderful Human Being
Sadhguru: Everyone can strive to become a wonderful human being. No one can deny that to you. There is a simple process you can do for this. Write down three things that you think make a human being into a wonderful human being, and make them a reality in your life.You do not have to do what someone else wants. Do what you want, do what you think is the highest. If you do not do what you want in your life, this will become a wasted life. Three things that you think will make a human being into a truly wonderful human being, make them a reality.
#2 Smile at Three Strangers
To bring light around you, make it a point to smile at at least three strangers on the street. Just give them a big smile. Please do this and bring some light to the world around you.
#3 Live Such That People Should Miss You When You Die
You may not be able to drop wholesale and at once, all your limitations, prejudices and the nonsense that people around you suffer. But you can start by dropping at least one. Please make some transformation happen so that when you live, people enjoy living with you, and when you die, they will miss you. That is how you should live. When you live, people should enjoy your presence. When you die they should miss you.
#4 Every Night, Sit On Your Deathbed
Time is slipping away for all of us at the same pace. You may think, “I went to the movie”, “I went shopping”, “I went on a holiday.” But as far as your body is concerned, it is going straight to the grave. With every step and every breath, your body is getting closer to the grave.
This is not about becoming paranoid. If you are conscious that you are mortal, you will want to make the best out of this life. If you forget that you are mortal, you will start doing absurd things that do not mean anything.
Every night, do this simple exercise. Before you go to bed, sit on your bed and think this is your deathbed – you have just one more minute to live. Look back at whether what you have done today is worthwhile. “Today, the way I handled these twenty-four hours, is it worthwhile because now I am dying?” If you do this, you will live a worthwhile life.
#5 Loosen Up. Don’t Be So Dead Serious
Bertrand Russell once said that if you are beginning to think that what you are doing is very important, you need to take a holiday. You must take a holiday from your seriousness. Seriousness has essentially come because of your self-importance.
But please understand, in this vast existence, you are like a speck of dust. In this vast cosmos, this solar system is a tiny speck. If the solar system disappears tomorrow, it will not even be noticed in the cosmos. In this tiny speck of a solar system, planet Earth is a micro speck. In this micro speck of a planet, the city you live in is a super-micro speck. In that, you are a big man! This is a serious problem of perspective.
Loosen your life up a little bit. Laugh a little more. Involve yourself with people around you. Do things that you think are not so important. Do not do things which are very important. Do simple things. It is very important you do simple things.
One reason why the whole world is not naturally spiritual is because they are dead serious about their lives. If they could relax a little more, if they could look feel life a little more joyfully, if they could see the joke that they are, then they would be able to see themselves and the situation around them a little more clearly. If you have a little more clarity about yourself and the world around you, that would naturally make you more capable in whatever you wish to do in the world.
Editor’s Note: Let Sadhguru show you how to go beyond New Year’s resolutions.