Bhairava – An Artwork by Sadhguru
This unique artwork was created by Sadhguru to honor the memory of Bhairava – the glorious bull at Isha Yoga Center.

In the last few months, across the world, everyone’s attention has been focused on the COVID virus. Because of this, there are people with various other ailments, who unfortunately are not getting the needed attention. Those who need dialysis, people with cancer, cardiac ailments, renal problems and people who need various surgeries are not getting the necessary attention that they must get because everything is focused towards the virus right now. So there is a certain amount of collateral damage.
Bhairava was also a part of this collateral damage. He had a small fracture in his ankle and because there were no veterinary hospitals open or doctors willing to visit, this complicated itself and he passed away.
Bhairava was the most handsome bull you could imagine. The wonderful and gentle beast that he was, everyone loved him. He was a grand life! So I thought I should create an artwork in honor of him.

In a pastoral culture, cow dung was used to disinfect the homes, as manure, fuel and for its medicinal values. Cow and cattle were an absolute part of this culture and its wealth at one time. Wealth was not measured in terms of land because there was plenty of land. How many cattle you had was your wealth.
So the background of the painting is cow dung while the rest is charcoal, and a little bit of turmeric and lime has been used. It is a very organic painting which will last better than acrylics.
The virus-related services that we are offering under the “Beat The Virus” campaign are still ongoing, and it is extending into various aspects other than just giving food. For example, kick-starting rural education in Tamil Nadu is going to be a big challenge this year. With that intent, we are putting up this painting, which we call “Bhairava”, for an auction as a part of raising funds for the “Beat The Virus” campaign.
Auction for Sadhguru's painting honoring Bhairava, closed at INR 5.1 crores on July 5, 2020.