Bullying – In Conflict with Existence
There’s a lot of violence prevalent in the various spheres of our world now. Many of us find ourselves trying to explain the dynamics and the source of violence especially in the light of sophistic and irrational incidents. Here Sadhguru talks about a form of violence - bullying.

There’s a lot of violence prevalent in the various spheres of our world now. Many of us find ourselves trying to explain the dynamics and the source of violence especially in the light of sophistic and irrational incidents. Here Sadhguru talks about a form of violence - bullying.
Because we have not produced the right kind of leaders; bullies are considered leaders. Compassionate human beings – people with larger vision about humanity are not considered leaders; they are considered philosophers in this world. They are dismissed off as visionaries.
The leaders are bullies who know how to elbow their way through everything and then fist you down in some way. Do not complain about bullies in the school because the school is trying to generate leaders for the nation and the world. This has to change but it is not going to change overnight. That needs lots of work on humanity, on individual human beings. General statements – slogans on the street will not help: It needs pointed work on individual human being. There has not been enough infrastructure to do that kind of work.
As you know, if you go up into high altitude, you may become nauseous or dizzy. Maybe you thought it's just because of lack of oxygen. No, it's because your body is losing its integrity. For your body to stay here in this shape and form you need a certain amount of pressure supporting you. If you keep rising and the pressure decreases, at a certain point your body will disintegrate. Right now you’re constantly being supported by everything even to retain your form. So you being exclusive is ridiculous, but the whole world or at least the commercial forces on the planet are constantly telling you that you are exclusive. Bullying is not just because somebody is evil. Once exclusiveness is bred, bullying is natural. Inclusiveness is the only answer. Inclusiveness not in terms of, “I love you, you love me.” Just clearly seeing life that it is an inclusive process, experientially seeing it is all inclusive. There is no other way to be.