Golf – It’s Just You and You!
Sadhguru recently scored a hole-in-one at the Willingdon Sports Club in Mumbai. Here’s a bit more on the story and also his insight into the game.

Sadhguru: People keep saying golf is the most difficult game, but I do not think so because if you play any other game, the ball will come at you at different velocities and spins, different angles and curvatures, but with golf, the damn thing is just sitting there; you just have to hit it! That’s why it is so frustrating because if you play cricket and get beat, you can say the bowling was too good. Or you can say it bounced on me. But with golf, it’s just you and you, that’s all. That is the beauty of the game. There is nobody else, just you.
A Hole in One!

Sadhguru at the Willingdon Sports Club in Mumbai, where he hit a hole-in-one on the eighth hole! His team mates were thoroughly impressed because this hole is supposed to be among the hardest, and no one has ever managed the feat here, as far as anyone can remember.

The club will be presenting Sadhguru with a certificate and display his name on the board at the entry of the gymkhana golf course!

Sadhguru at the “Robert F Kennedy Human Rights” Golf Tournament in October, 2015.

Sadhguru’s team, which included Douglas Spooner, Bob Nixon and Bob Nixon Jr., placed third in the tournament.

Sadhguru on the nature of the game: “You may play with somebody else, but in reality, the game is structured in such a way that you are only playing with yourself. Most of the game, about 70% of it, is just mind.”
Golfing to “Make a Life”

Sadhguru at the Isha “Make a Life” golf jaunt in 2012, where several prominent members of society came together to support Isha Vidhya and education in rural India.

Sadhguru’s swings were the center of attention quite frequently.

Sadhguru will be back at the Willingdon Sports Club in December to participate in this year’s edition of the Isha “Make a Life” golf jaunt.
Why it's so hard to get your golf swing right!
Sadhguru explains why golf is one game where there is no factor other than the player. Only when a golfer gets his geometry right can the ball go where it has to go. Sadhguru speaks of how geometry is a fundamental aspect of creation, and yoga is a scientific system of getting the geometry of the human system right.