कृष्ण कथा: कृष्णाच्या खेळकर मार्गाचे अन्वेषण
कृष्णकथा बर्याच आहेत, त्यात प्रत्येकाची स्वतःची अशी आवडती एक कथा असते. येथे काही लोकप्रिय गोष्टींबरोबर सद्गुरूंनी काही कमी ज्ञात असलेल्या कथाही सांगितल्या आहेत

कृष्ण कोण आहे?
सद्गुरु:जेव्हा आपण कृष्ण म्हणतो, तो कोण आहे याचं सार आहे, तो एक बिनधास्त मूल आहे, एक अतिशय खोडकर, एक मोहक बासरीवादक, एक आकर्षक नर्तक, एक भुरळ पाडणारा प्रेमी, शूर योद्धा, त्याच्या शत्रूंना निर्दयीपणे नेस्तनाबूत करणारा, प्रत्येक घरातील हृदयांवर राज्य करणारा, एक हुशार राजकारणी आणि राजा-उत्पादक (किंगमेकर), एक सभ्य गृहस्थ, सर्वोत्तम योगी आणि सर्वात रंगतदार असा अवतार.
कृष्ण वेगवेगळ्या लोकांनी वेगवेगळ्या मार्गांनी पाहिलाय, समजलाय आणि अनुभवलाय. उदाहरणार्थ, दुर्योधनाच्या शब्दांत कृष्णा हा “जर असा व्यक्ती अस्तित्वात असला तर हा सगळ्यात हसणारा बदमाश आहे. तो खाऊ शकतो, पिऊ शकतो, गाऊ शकतो, नाचू शकतो. तो प्रेम करू शकतो, तो लढा देऊ शकतो, वृद्ध स्त्रियांशी गप्पा मारू शकतो आणि लहान मुलांबरोबर खेळू शकतो. कोण म्हणतो की तो देव आहे? ” दुर्योधनाची ती धारणा होती.

कृष्णाची बालपणची प्रेयसी राधा, जी इतकी मोठी झाली की राधेशिवाय आपण कृष्णाबद्दल बोलूच शकत नाही - आम्ही “कृष्ण राधे” असे म्हणत नाही, “राधे कृष्ण” असे म्हणतो - ती म्हणाली, “कृष्णा माझ्याबरोबर आहे. तो जिथे आहे तिथे नेहमी माझ्याबरोबर असतो. तो कुणाबरोबरही असू दे तरीही तो माझ्याबरोबर आहे. ” अशी तिची धारणा होती.
लहानपणापासूनच स्वत: मध्येच एका विशिष्ट परिस्थितीमुळे पूर्णपणे सतावलेला आत्मा असलेल्या शिकंदिन म्हणाले, “कृष्णाने मला कधीच आशा दिली नाही. पण जेव्हा तो उपस्थित असतो तेव्हा आशेची झुळूक सर्वांना स्पर्श करते.”
मी या विषयावर असेच अविरत बोलू शकतो. तो कोण आहे, विविध लोकांनी ह्याच्या वेगवेगळ्या बाजू पाहिल्या. काहींसाठी तो देव आहे. काहींसाठी तो विक्षिप्त आहे. काहींसाठी तो एक प्रियकर आहे. काहींसाठी तो लढाऊ आहे. तो अशा बर्याच गोष्टी आहे. जेव्हा आपण कृष्ण म्हणतो तेव्हा त्याचा अर्थ काय आहे याचा आस्वाद घ्यायचा असेल, कृष्ण म्हणून आपण ज्या चेतनेचा उल्लेख केला पाहिजे त्या भावनेने आपल्याला स्पर्श करायचा असेल तर आपल्याला लीलेची गरज आहे. लीला म्हणजे, खेळाडुचा मार्ग आहे - आम्ही जीवनातील सर्वात प्रगल्भ आणि गंभीर बाबींचा शोध घेतो, परंतु आनंदाने. अन्यथा कृष्ण तेथे नसेल. जगातील सगळ्यात प्रगल्भ परिमाण जगातील बहुतांश लोकांनी गमावण्यामागचे कारण असे आहे की त्यांना खेळकर कसे राहायचे हे माहित नसते.
हा मार्ग आनंदाने अन्वेषण करण्यासाठी आपल्याला प्रेमाने परिपूर्ण हृदय, आनंदित मन आणि एक जोमदार शरीर हवे असते. तरच तिथे लीला आहे. एक आनंदी मार्गाने जीवनातील सर्वात गहन परिमाणांचे अन्वेषण करण्यासाठी, आपण आपल्या जागरूकतेसह, कल्पनेसह, आपल्या स्मरणशक्तीने, आपल्या आयुष्यासह, आपल्या मृत्यूसह खेळायला तयार असले पाहिजे. जर आपण सर्व गोष्टींसह खेळायला तयार असाल तरच तेथे लीला आहे. लीला म्हणजे फक्त कुणाबरोबर नाचणे असे नाही. याचा अर्थ असा की आपण आयुष्यासह नाचण्यास तयार आहात. आपण आपल्या शत्रूबरोबर नाचण्यास तयार आहात, आपण ज्यावर प्रेम करता त्याच्याबरोबर नाचण्यास आपण तयार आहात, आपण मृत्यूच्या क्षणी नाचण्यास तयार आहात. तरच तिथे लीला आहे.
Krishna Leela Stories
Krishna The Playful Child
The Birth Of Krishna
Sadhguru recounts how Krishna was born, and explains how he was a remarkable being right from the outset.
Butter Pranks
Krishna is famous for his butter thieving activities as a child, and constantly kept the Gopis on their toes. Sadhguru recounts how organised and skillful Krishna was in his endeavors!
The Loveable Thief
Sadhguru looks at how the very essence of Krishna as a child was his mischievous and playful pranks, and yet, his joyful nature melted everyone's heart.
Krishna The Cowherd
Gopala: Understanding The Essence Of Krishna As A Cowherd
Sadhguru looks at what it means to call Krishna, Gopala, and the explains the meaning of the Gopala chant.
Krishna And The Women In His Life
Sadhguru describes Krishna's relationships with the many wonderful women in his life, including Yashodha, Radhe and Putana herself - who became his devotee at the last moment.
Radhe Krishna
Sadhguru looks at why Radhe (or Radha) is such a huge part of Krishna worship in the country, and how her devotion went beyond all boundaries.
Raas Leela - The dance Of Passion
The Raas was the Gopis' incredible, ecstatic dance that revolved around Krishna, as he played his flute on the banks of the Yamuna.
Krishna And The Raging Bull
One of the most well-known stories of Krishna's childhood exploits was how he tamed Hastin, the angry bull. Sadhguru explains how this was not a miracle, but an ingeniously planned and executed strategy by Krishna.
Krishna And The Gop Utsav
When Krishna was about 15, he convinced his community to celebrate the Gopotsav, a celebration of life. This was the point when he began to be looked up to as the leader of his community.
Gopala To Govinda
Sadhguru explains the circumstances that resulted in Krishna realizing the mission of his life, and how he spent a few hours atop Mount Govardhan, during which he had his moment of enlightenment and reminder.
Krishna And The Miracle At Mount Govardhan
Sadhguru explains the miraculous situation surrounding the rising of Mount Govardhan, and how Krishna saw this as the final conformation of his purpose in life.
Krishna The Warrior
Krishna Meets Akrura
Akrura, Kamsa's uncle comes to invite Krishna to attend a bow sacrifice, where Kamsa plans to kill off Krishna.
A Larger Slice Of Life
Sadhguru explains why it appears that Balarama and Krishna went through much hardship at a time in their life when they were pursued by Jarasandha, and looks at how Krishna did not experience these as problems.
Duryodhana’s Big Mistake
This story relates a situation when Krishna was approached to become an ally, by both Duryodhana and Arjuna, as they were building up great armies before the battle at Kurukshetra. Duryodhana‘s attitude and choice cost him dearly, though he doesn’t immediately realize his folly.
No Black And White In Life
Sadhguru looks at Krishna's offer to Duryodhana to illustrate dharma and adharma, and that there is no black and white in life.
Treachery At Kurukshetra
Of the many aspects of Krishna in Mahabharata, one of the most confusing is his use of deceit during the war. In this story, we look at the basis behind these actions through some vividly narrated incidents from the battle.
Krishna’s Game of War
Among the lesser known of the many Mahabharata stories, this short South Indian tale is also a unique Krishna story, featuring a king from Udipi and Krishna’s penchant for peanuts.
Krishna The Teacher
The Bhagavad Gita And The Yoga Of Devotion
Sadhguru explains the nature of devotion and how bhakti can be a means towards ultimate liberation or mukti.
Bhagavad Gita: From Action To Yoga
Sadhguru explains how action can be a means to mukti, and how one we perform action without expectation, it can open tremendous possibilities for us.
What Is Dharma?
Sadhguru tells us a story that illustrates what Dharma is.
Krishna's Blue Magic
How Grace Works
Sadhguru explains how grace works, and tells us how Krishna could come to Draupadi's rescue despite not having been physically present at Hastinapur when the Kauravas attempted to disrobe her.
Why Is Krishna Blue ?
Sadhguru looks at the science behind why Krishna is depicted as blue-skinned, and how this is a consequence of an enlightened being in the midst of great activity.
Even Krishna Is Governed By The Laws Of The Physical
Krishna Meets Trivakra
Sadhguru talks about how Krishna met Trivakra, a deformed woman, in Mathura, and miraculously cured her of her ailments with just a hug.
The divine lover
Sadhguru tells us about Mirabai, the saint who took Krishna as her divine lover.
Krishna The Brahmachari
The Glorious Beggar: Krishna As A Brahmachari
Sadhguru looks at a phase of Krishna’s life when he took up brahmacharya, after the death of Kamsa.
Krishna’s Guru Dakshina: In Search Of Pirates
Perhaps one of the most exciting adventures of Krishna’s youth is among the least told ones. He hijacks a pirate ship and sets sail along the coast of India to the land of the nagakanyas, looking for Punardutta, his Guru’s kidnapped son.
Krishna’s Guru Dakshina: Pirating Away The Pirates
Last week, we saw how Krishna promised his Guru Sandhipaani, that he would find and rescue his son, who had been kidnapped by pirates. This week, we look at how Krishna boards the pirate ship, and with guile and charm, commandeers the pirates.
Krishna’s Guru Dakshina: In The Land Of The Nagakanyas
This week, Sadhguru tells us how Krishna rescues Punardatta, during a strange fight to the death.
Krishna’s Guru Dakshina: Why Couldn't Sandhipani Save His Son?
Sadhguru explains why even a great master like Sandhipani could not handle the situation, when his son got kidnapped.