The Scientific Benefits of Inner Engineering
Inner Engineering includes transmission of the Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. Scientific research conducted by various prominent researchers showcase the benefits of this powerful yogic practice.

What is Inner Engineering?
Designed by Sadhguru, Inner Engineering is a technology for wellbeing derived from the science of Yoga. It is offered as a comprehensive course for personal growth that brings about a shift in the way you perceive and experience your life, your work, and the world that you live in.
Inner Engineering offers a unique opportunity for self-exploration and transformation, leading to a life of fulfilment and joy.
The Inner Engineering is a transformative 7-step online program designed by Sadhguru that offers tools to take charge of your body, mind, emotions and energies, including the powerful 21-minute Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. It helps you establish a foundation of health, exuberance and a chemistry of blissfulness within, leading to a joyful, fulfilling life.
Inner Engineering is also offered in person at Isha centers and various local centers worldwide.
Reputable scientific studies and surveys have found significant improvement in the mental and emotional state of regular Shambhavi practitioners.
Mental and Emotional Benefits
Research shows that without requiring any lifestyle changes, the practice of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya has proven to result in significantly better focus, clarity, higher energy levels and improved productivity.
Health Benefits
536 Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya practitioners were surveyed and testified to the kriya's impact on relieving chronic ailments such as headaches, migraines, allergies, asthma, back pain and menstrual disorders.
Improved Sleep and Relief from Insomnia
Surveys also revealed significant improvement in cases of insomnia, leading to a reduction or even elimination of medication in 40% of the cases.
Relief from Depression and Anxiety
People suffering from depression and anxiety symptoms reported a significant improvement after practicing Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. 50% of the people surveyed said that they were able to stop taking medication for depression/anxiety after consulting with their doctor.
Relief from Menstrual Disorders
Women suffering from menstrual disorders showed significant improvement after taking up the practice of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya. A team from the Poole Hospitals NHS Trust, UK, and the Indiana University School of Medicine conducted a questionnaire survey of 128 female practitioners of Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya about the prevalence of menstrual disorders before they began the kriya and after six months of practice.
As there is a science and technology to create external wellbeing, there is a whole science and technology to create inner wellbeing. This is what we are offering as Inner Engineering.”
Maturi R et al. Survey of wellbeing in Isha Yoga practitioner. March 2010
Muralikrishnan K, Balakrishnan B, Balasubramanian K, Visnegarawla F. Measurement of the effect of Isha Yoga on cardiac autonomic nervous system using short-term heart rate variability. J Ayurveda Integr Med. April 2012.
Vinchurkar S, Telles S, Visweswaraiah NK. Impact of Long Term Meditation Practice on Sleep: A Matched Controlled Trial. International Symposium on YOGism. Dec.2010.
Needhirajan TP, Maturi R, Balakrishnan B. Effect of Isha Yoga on Menstrual Disorders.