ઈશા યોગ કેન્દ્રમાં આદીયોગી ની મુર્તિ આટલી વિશાળ શા માટે બનાવી છે?
SRCC દિલ્હીના વિદ્યાર્થીઓ સદગુરુને પૂછે છે કે મૂર્તિનું કદ વ્યક્તિગત વિચાર પર આધારિત છે ત્યારે આદીયોગીની મૂર્તિ આટલી મોટી શા માટે બનાવાઈ હતી? સદગુરૂ કહેછે કે , આદીયોગીની ભૂમિતિને ત્રણપાસાઓને બહાર કાઢવા માટે ચોક્કસ ડીઝાઇનમાં કરવામાં આવી હતી.

પ્ર. સદગુરૂ , તમે તમારા આશ્રમમાં આદીયોગીની આટલી મોટી મૂર્તિ બનાવી છે, અને જે પણ તે સ્થાનની મુલાકાત લે છે, તે મૂર્તિથી પ્રભાવિત થઈ જાય છે. શું તમે માનો છો કે આજની પરિસ્થિતિમાં ધ્યાન ખેચવા માટે મોટાપાયે આવું કરવું જોઈએ?
સદગુરૂ : ત્યાતો એક જ મૂર્તિ છે – અનેક કેવી રીતે?
Q: It is built in such a huge form.
Sadhguru: Big and small is according to people’s perceptions. All the people in the yoga center are saying, “Sadhguru, we should have made it a little bigger. It is looking so small compared to the mountain behind.” So, this is people’s perception, but there is something called visual impact. Of all the five sensory organs that you have, suppose I tell you, “I am going to take four of these away from you, right now.” Which one would you like to keep? Just the nose, or just the tongue?
Q: Everything is important.
Sadhguru: Everything is important, but you are going to lose four. You must learn to exercise those options because life is like that; it will not let you keep everything. So which four would you want to lose, and which one thing do you want to keep?
Q: Can you just tell the five?
Sadhguru: Either I will take off your eyes, or your eardrums, or your tongue, or your sensation or your nose. Which one thing do you want to keep, tell me?
Participants: Eyes!
Sadhguru: Eyes, of course. Because of the five sensory impacts, visual impact is the largest impact for you right now. If you were a dog and I asked you this question, you would say, “Nose,” because a dog’s food and survival happen because of his nose. But for a human being, the visual impact is the largest. In that sense, it is not about the size of the Adiyogi, but the geometry. To get the geometry perfect in a small size is extremely difficult. We needed a certain amount of size to get the geometry in place easily.
The geometry of Adiyogi is to exude. If you go home today and your father is sitting in a certain way, just by looking at his posture, you know whether he is angry or happy, unhappy or disturbed. We wanted the geometry of Adiyogi to exude three aspects – exuberance of life, stillness of life, and intoxication. I worked for two-and-a-half years to get this face right. Many, many faces were made. We decided we needed a certain size, and that size became over eighty feet. Then we thought the number also has to have some significance, so we went for one hundred-and-twelve feet.
When Adiyogi propounded the different ways in which a human being can attain to their highest possibility, he gave one-hundred-and-twelve ways. So we made it one-hundred-and-twelve feet. We would not have been able to achieve the geometry we wanted in less than eighty to ninety feet. I thought, what is the problem, we will get it to a number that he likes. That is why it is one hundred-and-twelve feet.
Editor's Note: Whether you're struggling with a controversial query, feeling puzzled about a taboo topic, or just burning with a question that no one else is willing to answer, now is your chance to ask! Ask Sadhguru your questions at UnplugWithSadhguru.org.